Genesis REIT Socimi

Announcement of agreement to transform a limited company into a public limited company.

In compliance with the provisions of article 10 of Royal Decree Law 5/2023, of June 28, of transposition, among others, of the European Union Directive on structural modifications of commercial companies (the “RDL 5/ 2023”), it is made public that the Ordinary and Universal General Meeting of Partners of the Mercantile GENESIS OPPORTUNITIES MADRID, S.L. (the “Company”), held on December 22nd 2023, agreed to the transformation drafted by the administrative body of the Company, dated December 21st, 2023.

Consequently, the Company, maintaining its legal personality, will act in the traffic legal, from the date of registration of the transformation agreement in the Commercial Registry, under the corporate name “GENESIS R.E.I.T. SOCIMI, S.A” in addition, the Universal General Meeting approved, as a transformation balance, the balance closed on June 30th 2023.

Likewise, the conversion of social shares into shares was approved, the share capital figure remaining unchanged, with the nominal value of the shares equal to that of the old social shares; the new ones being also approved social statutes and the appointment of the new administrative body formed by a Council of three members.

The right of the partners and creditors of the company is expressly stated. Society to obtain, free of charge, the full text of the agreement adopted by the Board General of Partners of the company, of the transformation balance, of the Project of Transformation and other documentation related to the transformation, which are available at the Companys registered office.

To exercise the corresponding rights, communications must be directed to the following address: Calle San Enrique nº 20, Bajo, 28020 Madrid.

Madrid, December 22nd 2023.- Secretary Ariel Mazoz and the President of the Council of Administration, Ilan Arzooan.